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The Ultimate 
Productivity Boost for Zendesk Agents

Transform your support team into Superheroes 🦸 with AI that reduces handle time by over 80%


Solve tickets faster with Word WandAI

No credit card. No contracts.

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See Word WandAI in action...

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Support teams waste
hundreds of hours...


15 hrs manually typing responses to common queries


40 hrs manually crafting personalized responses for escalated cases


100 hrs analyzing support tickets and searching your Help Center for relevant information


5 hrs fixing grammar and spelling

What impact will Word WandAI have?

Increase Agent Productivity

Handle more tickets, decrease manual typing

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Reduce Operating Costs

Optimize costs, increase team output

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Answer tickets quicker,   with increased quality

Scale Without Hiring

Scale your business with less

Empower Your Experts

The BEST Productivity Tool for Agents

Not all customer questions can be deflected with a chatbot.


Word WandAI's enables agents to provide clear, grammatically correct, and empathetic responses based on your help center or any ChatGPT command you like.


Reducing Average Handling Times and First Reply Times.

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Don’t compromise
on security


Word WandAI uses advanced resource-level permissions to ensure we meet the highest industry standards. We don’t train LLMs using your data.

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Join hundreds of businesses saving their customers and support teams hours of typing, searching and waiting — with AI-powered support 

headshot Alan

Alan Frederick - Support Agent

"The Instruct function is so powerful. It really helps me with the more technical tickets that require a human touch and care. I can ask it to do anything and it crafts a custom response in seconds. We combined it with our macros and it's been a game changer in making the customer feel valued, but in an efficient and scalable way."
"We use several AI apps to help us deliver an enhanced customer support experience. Word WandAI has been the best tool for the team and improved the speed and quality of our communication on tickets. It has been a lifesaver when responding to escalated customer complaints!"
headshot Jeff

Jeff Adams - VP Customer Expereince

Maya Hillman picture

Maya Hillman - Director, Support

"Giving my agents in-app access to the power of ChatGPT AI has been awesome. Our speed of sevice improved overnight and increases in our CSAT soon followed."

Transform Your

Customer Support Experience


response times


responded with AI

+13% Increase



We've answered the most frequent questions below

  • Does Word WandAI connect with my Zendesk Help Center?
    Yes - We have integrated it with your Zendesk Help Center. Just click on the "Ask AI" button and it will search the knowledge in your Help Center and provide a crafted response based on that knowledge (with URL backlinks!) It also provides some guidance on the level of accuracy, so it will let you know if it wasn't able to source relevant information from your Help Center. *Please note Ask AI is only available on the Professional subscription plan*
  • What languages does the Word WandAI app support?
    Word WandAI supports all languages, and it works no matter which language your customers are speaking. We have 10 set at the default on all accounts, but if you have a certain language that you would like on your account please email us via Default languages: -American English -British English -Spanish -French -German -Italian -Portuguese -Dutch -Polish -Ukrainian
  • Are you GDPR Compliant?
    In short, yes, Word WandAI is GDPR compliant. More details: Word WandAI the application sends and receives data between Zendesk and OpenAPI, hence we fall within their GDPR compliance (As Word WandAI doesnt' store/manage any data). You can refer to OpenAI public page on GDPR here and I would also review their privacy policy. Furthermore, here is their SOC 2 Report. Zendesk GDPR information can be found here, and SOC2 can be found here
  • Is my data secure?
    Absolutely. Data protection and privacy is very important to us. 1. We don’t store any of your messages or metadata long term. Word WandAI uses commercial API access to connect with OpenAI, which means all the information is kept private and not used to train the AI. Effectively it means each request is submitted and answered, that is all. Unlike the public version which is collected and used by the OpenAI company. For more details please refer to the OpenAI official documentation on the topic (API data-privacy). 2. Access is via an encrypted API key which is stored on a secured tokenization platform. 3. Guaranteed safe and secure payments, powered by Stripe. 4. Network communication is secured with TLS version 1.2 and 1.3 using AES 256 encryption. 5. Runs in AWS data centers that have been certified as ISO 27001, PCI DSS Service Provider Level 1, and/or SOC 2 compliant. Learn more about AWS security here.
  • Doesn't Zendesk integrate with ChatGPT for Generative AI already?
    Generative AI functionality does not come as standard with a Zendesk account. Zendesk offers very basic Generative AI functionality via their "Advanced AI" add-on which offers the ability to make text more Friendly/Formal and to Expand it. It costs $50 USD per agent per month. In contrast, Word WandAI offers very advanced Generative AI functionality which connects with your Help Center. Our Professional subscription costs $99 USD per month (total) for unlimited agents. Click here to review a full comparison
  • How do I justify the cost to my boss?
    Manually typing out a response to a support ticket is one of the biggest time suckers for an Agent when handling a support ticket. Another one is sourcing the information to accurately respond to the ticket. Word WandAI does all the heavy lifting on those items - It automatically crafts responses in seconds, and utilizes your Help Center knowledge to provide relevant information based on your product or service. On average, of our surveyed customers, they have reported 65% faster response times and 30% decreases in time to solve timers. With over 50% of tickets being responded with the help of AI. How impactful and how much of a ROI investment would this be for your support team? Well it depends on the size of the team. But in general you should be asking yourself.... What impact would giving them hours back in their day have? Would it improve your overall Customer Support experience? Would it increase your CSAT? Can they then work on other higher-value tasks? Normally it works out to be less than a coffee ☕ per month per agent... 🥳 (That a pretty good ROI...!!) Don't believe us?! Let the data to the talking. Tickets were Word WandAI is used are all tagged, eg. "wordwandai_instruct", so you can build reports in Zendesk to track the apps performance and see which tickets have had a little AI help ;)
  • How can I track which tickets the app helps to solve?
    Tickets where the Word WandAI app has been used are tagged, eg "wordwandai_instruct". So you can search for the tag, build reports and check whenever you like. To help you stay "on top" of the app's performance, we also have a daily activity report that will show you how many API calls you are making per date on your account.
  • I don’t want to lose the human touch when implementing AI in my support. How’s your app handling this?
    The app isn't there to replace your team, it is there to help them! All responses can be reviewed, edited and quality controlled by the agent. With Word WandAI, you don’t rely on AI to automatically communication with the customer (eg. like a basic AI chatbot), but it’s rather a tool that helps the human agent focus on delivering a better communication and overall support experience.
  • Why should I install the app?
    Word WandAI will give your support team hours back in their day and elevant your overall support experience to your customers. By reducing the very time consuming burden of manually typing responses to tickets, along with generating responses linked to your Zendesk Help Center within Seconds, you can dynamically improve the speed and quality of your customer support. You are less than 2 minutes away from installing the app and seeing the AI magic first hand :)
  • How much time will I need to invest during the setup process?
    The setup process takes roughly two (2) minutes. There is no need for an OpenAI account, just install and you can start using it. Make sure to follow the installation instructions in the second tab on the marketplace listing.
  • Can you sign an NDA?
    Reach out to us at if you need an NDA or Enterprise security.
  • Is the pricing per agent?
    We like to keep things simple and not charge per agent. We have set pricing per subscription plan, so you know your costs are fixed. More information can be found via our Pricing page
  • Is it a rolling contract?
    Yes, it is. You can cancel at aytime.

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7 days free trial

We know actions speak louder than words... Install and use Word WandAI for free and get access to the most powerful Zendesk ChatGPT app today!

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